
New website!

Nice to see you here!

Bartosz Pachołek Bartosz Pachołek
New website!
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We are happy that we have finally managed to set this website up, as you probably noticed it is not the greatest eye candy which you may have seen, but its main purpose is to provide you access to some interesting tutorials, news from the world of technologies used by us, get up to date with keynotes and most of all allow you to acquire our software.

The plan is to provide regular updates here so be sure to check this website from time to time.

At the moment no newsletter is planned as updates will not show up often enough, but time will show how that changes.

Photo by Myriam Zilles.

Bartosz Pachołek

Written by Bartosz Pachołek

Always eager to give my 100% into development and design of the software which solves most unique problems. A confident, enthusiastic and hard-working software developer oriented around web data-mining and content delivery solutions. Always ready to gain new skills, learn, share knowledge and participate in new ventures. Team player with a good attitude. Fan of Redis, Symfony framework, C#, dedicated web solutions, NoSQL and use of modern software engineering practices, particularly explicit modular architecture and iterative development.