
Symfony Form SoftDeleteAware EntityType + UX Autocomplete [PHP]

The missing link between `softdeleteable` from doctrine-extensions and Symfony Form component.

Symfony Form SoftDeleteAware EntityType + UX Autocomplete [PHP]
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Components which add support for Soft Delete filter behavior to Symfony's EntityType.


If you need to use this it most likely means that you have a bad architecture of your software. If you allow deletion or soft deletion you should first make sure that each related entity is updated first with null or new relation. This form type is meant to be used for transition purposes in systems which need to quickly add soft deletion on some entities which are used in relations, but due to time or other resources it is impossible to upgrade the actual processes.


If you are using the softdeleteable filter and EntityType forms you may encounter a situation when your CRUD Edit form in which the related entity is no longer available as soft removed. This form type will make the form still properly render, but forcing the user to update the relation using the form.

In such situation, using standard entity type you may see a screen like this:


With the SoftDeleteAwareEntityType it will revert to the placeholder forcing user to update:



  • Symfony 6 or 7.
  • Sonata Admin 3+


First require it in your project:

composer require idct/symfony-form-soft-delete-aware-entity-type

As this is not a bundle register in your services (for example services.yaml) file:

If you have autowiring:

    IDCT\SymfonyFormSoftDeleteAwareEntityType\SoftDeleteAwareEntityType: ~

If you do not use autowiring you need to pass doctrine as the first argument:

            - '@doctrine'

Now in forms which use EntityType change the form type to SoftDeleteAwareEntityType. For example:

class ParentFormType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
            ->add('test', SoftDeleteAwareEntityType::class, [
                'class' => DummyEntity::class

And that is all!


Tool has a testing toolchain prepared using Docker. If you have docker installed simply run ./

This will run unit tests with PHPUnit, generate code-coverage report and run some functional e-2-e tests using Behat and Chrome Driver.


Get it for free, under MIT license from Github: ideaconnect/symfony-form-soft-delete-aware-entity-type

UX Autocomplete

If you are interested in the version which also adds support for symfony/ux-autocomplete, be sure to check: ideaconnect/symfony-form-soft-delete-aware-entity-type-ux-autocomplete